Archive | June, 2013

What is it?

29 Jun

It’s time for another round of…

What is it?

This is a picture of something I found hanging around outside my door when we lived in the Byfield Rainforest. Other than that, you get no hints.


Wattle Moth

28 Jun

This is the Wattle moth.

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Would you believe it used to look like this?

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The Wattle moth starts life as this beautiful, yet intimidating caterpillar. Its sting is said to be as painful as multiple wasps stings. Even more interesting is that it gets its toxicity from the plants that it eats. But don’t worry, it soon turns into the mediocre looking moth above and is completely harmless.

Common House Centipede

27 Jun

A friend of mine, Jen, sent in the following photo of a centipede she found at her house. It’s a bit blurry but if you knew Jen, it’s a miracle the girl even took the time to take the picture at all…before he went to bug heaven. Yes, she went there.

But I forgive her. He’s an intimidating character for the non-bugger.

But, other than running at a freakishly fast rate (hopefully not in your direction) these guys don’t pose much of a threat. If by chance you do get bitten, it’s little worse than a bee sting. Good thing is, these guys will pretty much eat all the other bugs you don’t want in and around your home.

I’m not sure about you, but even I’m a bit unsure if I would want these guys helping me with bug control!

Photo credit:

In’sex’ in Advertising

26 Jun

Ever wonder if anyone has ever done bug-themed advertising? (I mean, besides pest control companies.)

Take a look at these.

Here’s an ad from the UK on skin disease.


This next one is for LG Rumor phones with Heidi Klum



Now, although the ad is somewhat shocking, I believe the French ad about AIDS and the dangers of unprotected sex gets its point across.

French Aids Ads 1-001

Weekly Photo Challenge: The world through your eyes

25 Jun

So, this week the challenge was for us to show you the world through our eyes and to direct the eye somewhere. This picture was chosen because in my world, these are things I see. I feel the photo draws your eyes in and leads them down the row of the cicada exoskeletons.


Praying Mantis Symbolism

24 Jun

I’ve often said that when you hold a praying mantis, it seems as though they are looking into your soul; they appear to be as curious about you as you are of them.  This has been my experience with every one that I have held so I was curious to see what they symbolized.


Photo copyright Lisa Vankula Donovan


* Mantis is the Greek word for ‘prophet’ or ‘seer’.

* In Arabic culture the mantis points pilgrims to Mecca.

* The praying mantis is the oldest symbol of God.

* The mantis represents patience (if you’ve seen Kung Fu Panda-Secrets of the Furious Five you’ll understand that)

* When the mantis shows up in your life it’s asking you to direct your energy, thoughts and actions in a different way.


“Meet the eye of a mantis and feel the presence of God.” -Sharon Callahan

Would the real Toe Biter please stand up!

23 Jun

Alright, so I’ve been promising to clear up this confusion about what is considered a ‘toe biter’ here in Australia. (And in America, as I’ve recently found out.)

So, contrary to what I’ve been told (by a few Aussies) the following picture is not a toe biter, but a mole cricket…and nothing to fear.

mole-cricket1Photo credit:

As I discussed in this post —-> HERE, what is commonly referred to as a toe biter is actually a Giant Water Bug.

WebPhoto credit:

Scary looking, right? And sure, if you were swimming in a lake and this guy swam by, you might scream like a little girl. These guys can get up to around 7cm in length (that’s around 2.75 inches) so for a “bug”, that’s too big for some people. And they’re even bigger in South America!

Now, I’m sure you noticed those pincers he’s got at the front. Those are used to grab their prey before they go in for the kill with their rostrum, or mouthpart, that they have tucked neatly underneath them. And it’s said these guys give a whopper of a sting if they get a hold of you, one of the worst, in fact. But you will live so don’t panic…too much.

And as if worrying about these guys in the water wasn’t enough, the adults can, and do fly. Perfect, huh?

But don’t fret, they are also known to play dead when threatened. Although after being bitten by what I thought was a dead Huntsman, I wouldn’t put it past these guys to take you on.

And just because I LOVE big bugs and like to freak people out, I’m going to post this:

giant water bug

Photo credit:

Sweet dreams!


Is there something on my face?

22 Jun


#2 World’s Largest Spider

20 Jun

Now, aside from a scant few of you, most people tell me that spiders are one of their biggest fears.  I get the lecture quite often about posting so much about spiders.  But, call me crazy (and most do), my spider posts are always the ones that get the most hits.  Maybe it’s like a car accident and you just can’t help but look, I don’t know.  But the stats don’t lie.

So, in honour of the arachnophiles and arachnophobes, I thought I would do a couple of posts on the world’s largest spiders.  And I’ll start with #2 because when you see this thing, you’ll be making that cartoon gulping sound that there is actually a larger spider.  <cue violin knife attack sound>

So, without further ado, introducing

The Goliath Birdeater

goliath 5

Photo credit: tumblr user ticike

The Goliath birdeater is, as you can probably tell, part of the tarantula family.  It is recognized as one of the largest (sometimes THE largest in mass) spider on the planet.  The female of the species can have a leg span of up to 30cm (nearly a foot!), or 300mm.  It can weigh up to 200 grams or around 7 ounces.  That’s like holding the equivalent of 4 large eggs.  And it’s a spider.

Contrary to its name, most of these guys do not consume actual birds.  Although they’re not opposed to overpowering the occasional ground-nesting chick, their diet is made up of mostly lizards, frogs and large insects.

Goliath Birdeater

Goliath Birdeater

Photo credit: John Mitchell

Now, the question I know all of you are thinking…how deadly is it?

Since these guys have fangs that (at the largest) can run up to 3.8cm, or 1.5 inches, they can break the skin.  And like most tarantulas, they do carry a venom in them.  The good news is that it’s relatively harmless, having been compared to that of a wasp’s sting.  But, judging from my experience with the Hunstman’s bite, I’d imagine with those size fangs, you’d feel it. And these guys have an added feature-urticating (hive/rash causing) hairs on their abdomen.  When the spider feels threatened, it will rub its legs on these hairs to release them.  And this species is said to have the most potent of them.

Good news: you’ll live.

Bad news: The nightmares will be frequent.

goliath 2