Tag Archives: rhinoceros beetle

Creature catch up

3 Sep

Some of you may have noticed that I had a bit of a hiatus from blogging.  And although it was hard to find the time to post about the things I was seeing, I never stopped taking pictures.  Life can get busy but when you stop seeing the beauty that’s all around you, it’s time to slow down.  So, my apologies for the absence but here are a few pictures to get you caught up.  And remember, although this is an entomology blog, beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.


Shield Bug

Shield Bug

Male and female Rhinoceros beetles

Male and female Rhinoceros beetles

Bee on Mock orange bush

Bee on Mock orange bush



Spangled Drongo


Male and female Galahs

First ever close up of a crow

First ever close up of a crow

Female Rhino beetle giving my nose a hug

Female Rhino beetle giving my nose a hug

Red-eye bug nymphs

Red-eye bug nymphs

My brave girl holding a Cotton Harlequin bug

My brave girl holding a Cotton Harlequin bug

Seriously big dragonfly

Seriously big dragonfly

Strange Insects — Quiz

11 Aug

Every once in a while, I’ve come across something that just baffles me. (I mean besides why they don’t put more jam in jam doughnuts.) But, without having a background in anything related to entomology, it’s sometimes a challenge to figure out what it is.  See, those experienced in the field can look at a number of things to at least narrow it down to an order.  I’m getting better at it but, as you’ll see, some are just plain confusing.  (But, if you’re a follower of the blog, these might not be that hard 😉 )

Can you guess what is what?









Now, match these letters up to the picture you think belongs with it.

A. Pollen and nectar feeding katydid

B. Rhinoceros beetle larvae

C. Early instar of an owl fly

D. Giant huntsman on my face

E. Whip spider

F. Bird-dropping (Death’s head) spider

G. Mountain Katydid

H. Lady bug (beetle) larvae

Post your answers in the comments below or on Facebook.  Answers will be revealed in tomorrow’s post.  I will announce the person(s) that got the most correct.

*All photos property of Lisa Vankula-Donovan unless otherwise stated.**

Rhinoceros Beetle

17 Jul

In this part if Queensland, I don’t get to see many interesting, big insects. Not like the seemingly steroid-infused insects of the rainforest. But the other night this little beauty was buzzing around the back patio.

From inside the house it appeared to be a small bird or something. But I realised what it was as I opened the sliding door and passed my husband, who was heading the other direction.

The cool thing about these guys is they’re harmless, at least to us. If you were a male rhinoceros beetle it would be a different story. Male rhinoceros beetles use their horns to fight other males, knocking them off trees in pursuit of the females. Oddly, the information I’ve always read says males are seen quite a lot more than females. I can tell you I’ve seen exactly two males since coming to Australia. All the rest (quite a few) have been female.

The males are quite exquisite in their appearance. They’re also known as Elephant beetles.


Photo credit: www.brisbaneinsects.com.au

There are over 300 species of rhinoceros beetle and some are just unbelievable to look at.  They are among the largest of the beetles, with some reaching up to 6 inches in length.  Aside from their size (which scares off most people) they make a hissing noise by rubbing their abdomen to their wing covers.  It’s completely harmless but trust me, the first time you hold one and it does that, it scares you!  HERE is a video of a hissing male.

As I’ve said before, I absolutely love large insects and this is one of my favourites to come across.  They don’t mind being held and in fact can cling quite well to you with their claws.

And just because I like to make a statement, here is a picture of one of the largest Rhinoceros beetles in the world, the Hercules beetle.  Found in Central and South America and Lesser Antilles.

Dynastor napoleon

Photo credit: http://societyofbiology.blogspot.com.au